Saturday, February 2, 2008

A Wise Groundhog

As some of you know, Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this morning, which means there will be six more weeks of winter. With this prediction and the relentless La Nina effect, I'm looking forward to the rest of this winter season.

Today, I'm heading to Salt Lake City for an extended weekend. Sean has good friends down there that we'll be able to crash with as we ski The Canyons tomorrow, Snowbird on Monday and Alta on Tuesday. I've never skiied The Canyons, so I'm excited to add this one to my list. Snowbird is one of my favorite resorts. And, it has been awhile since I was last there, so I'm looking forward to testing my new bag of tricks here.

Let's not forget the Super Bowl where the New York Giants will be playing the New England Patriots. I predict the Giants will ruin the history books for the Patriots by winning by 4 points. Go Big Blue!

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