What a tease! 12 inches of new snow and no way to access it. Every chairlift on the mountain is on wind hold; all because of harmless 120 mph wind gusts. I guess the winds weren't completely harmless because they caused a white-out on and around the mountain, many car accidents, and my car to feel like it was being lifted off the ground. No joke. The one ski run that I made almost gave me vertigo, as I couldn't tell the difference between the air and the snow and got disoriented quickly on familiar terrain, and couldn't see past my ski tips.
I find this experience a bit ironic because of a conversation that I had over the weekend with my parents. Each one (at different times mind you) asked me, "what kind of weather will it take to keep me from skiing?" My initial response was "I haven't experienced anything yet. The worst weather that I've ever experienced while skiing was when (my brother) Michael and I skiied in -30°F at Pico, VT." Obviously, my new answer is 120 mph winds that cause a white-out and unrideable chairlifts. Its experiences like this one that make me treasure my season pass.
Stay Gold, America
1 month ago
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