Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Mail Goggles = Brilliance

Mail Goggles is the newest tool available to gMail (aka Google email provider) users. And, it's brilliant and hilarious at the same time.

It's a line of defense for users who might otherwise not be making sound decisions at the time of sending a potentially unflattering email. The perfect user of this tool is a college kid who just returned from a campus party and wants to impress their new "friend" or rekindle the flames with an old "friend".

It prevents users from sending unwanted emails during a predefined time range, say like from Friday at 10 pm to Saturday at 4 am, by requiring them to solve simple math problems before the email is sent. If the user fails this test, the tool saves the user from humiliation. Otherwise, it was meant to be.

Gotta love Google...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious. I for one would definitely have benefitted from this back in college!!